Introducing our newest hire, executive assistant Olivia Kracht.

Today I’m here with Olivia Kracht, our new executive assistant. She just joined the team, so we wanted to introduce her to all of you.

Olivia has lived in the Madison area for around five years. She and her husband moved here for work, and after about a year, she had their first son. Olivia finished her bachelor’s degree and decided she wanted to pursue a different opportunity, which led her to us.

“We’re so grateful to have Olivia on the team.”

Before real estate, she worked in the hospitality world, which she says was fun but also a bit draining. After the move, she worked as an office manager for a little bit. She wasn’t sure about joining the real estate industry at first—anything new is bound to be a bit scary, but she had always been interested in real estate. In the end, she thought she might as well take the leap, and the interview process made her feel much more comfortable.

She hopes to settle into a role where she can support everyone on the team and offer guidance. She wants to help people grow individually and as a team so we can all prosper and reach our goals. Outside of work, she spends her time camping, playing soccer and volleyball, and reading.

We’re so grateful to have Olivia on our team. She’s going to be instrumental in helping us deliver on our promise to our clients. If you have any questions, feel free to call or email us anytime. We’d love to help you.